Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nothing about Rabbit Hutches but cool...

makes me realize how cute she was. haha. dude that is so gross. i saw dark knight. i thought it was really good. i liked ironman better though. yeah i think i did too. i'm convinced that the end of a movie is extremely important. not just how it closes. but how it exits to credits. the way dark knight exited to credits was amazing. im trying to remember how it did. and i think won tons of points with a lot of people. 

it was comissioner gordon talking about how batman isn't a hero, he's a guardian. and how he's whatever gotham needs him to be. and batman was riding off on his motorcycle. oh yeah. and it had awesome music playing. it was just an amazing ending. really got you involved. i remember thinking it was weird the movie was called the dark knight.

 because that was more of the theme at the end of the movie. yeah. did you see the previews for "watchmen". yes seems really coo,. its the same director as dawn of the dead, and 300. yeah that movie looks incredible. two of my favorites movies. i didn't like 300 so much. i thought it was real good. 300 has a lot of rewatch value.

 ill put it on and just watch parts of it all the time, i like it. i love his style of movie making though. yeah it was def good. i really like the sin city style. this reminds me of that. this movie looks really creative, not just random like what most people think creativity is. yeah i read an interview about it yesterday actually. how hes taking a different approach to it than other people would. the quality of youtube videos is so disgusting. does it automatically downgrade it?. degrade the quality. or is it how you upload it. 

degrades it. they added something s you can watch it in high quality. for instance. look under the video. "watch in high quality". yeah it barely changes it. then click the "full screen".

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rabbit Hutch Cleaning

In order to maintain a truly healthy environment for your rabbit, and yourself too, your entire hutch and/or cage needs to be cleaned thoroughly. The bedding should also be cleaned very thoroughly. This should be done weekly, or at the latest, bi-weekly. You can find cage wiring and accessories with warm to hot water and some mild soap. Make sure you do not bleach it because this could be dangerous for the pet.

After cleaning make sure everything is rinsed, and make sure all the soap residue is washed away. Leaving any of the residues behind can cause health dangers to your beloved rabbit, which you love, and is the reason behind you cleaning the hutch in the first place. Remember that just because you are cleaning it, doesn't mean that your rabbit will react in the same way another person or animal may react to the cleaning supplies. Thinking this can lead to possible sickness or even in some circumstances the death of your pet rabbit.

The hutch should be air dried before your rabbit is placed back in. Wiping it down is not the best way and can possibly caused the spreading of cleaning supplies to other areas. Your pet's environment is everything to your rabbit so make sure it's done properly and you do not rush through it.

When you are cleaning your pet's hutch, or cage, the best place for your rabbit is somewhere it feels safe to get some much needed exercise. The time it spends in its hutch is not necessarily the best for getting healthy exercise so you should spend this time you are cleaning to allow it some room to breathe. It might also want to explore and play, so keep this in mind. An exercise pen is one of the most recommend scenarios for this situation. Remember after you are done to replenish your rabbit's food and water supply. Make sure it doesn't become tainted with the cleaning residue left behind.

A rabbit hutch is the most important thing your rabbit will have in it's relatively short life, so keep this in your mind when doing the cleaning and design. Your rabbit will love you for it!